Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sea Day 11, Thursday, Feb. 21

Yesterday, Wednesday, 2/20, at Valparaiso, Chile, was the beginning of the second leg of our journey. It was a new beginning for me since I had been struggling with a cold and such since 2/8 and was beginning to wonder whether I would ever shake it. I started the morning meeting Jack, Jane and Grace for the Comedy Brunch in the morning. Wandering around the ship I came across the Cruise Critic bulletin board where activities are posted and people post looking to make connections then came across an ice carver completing an ice sculpture on Lido deck. 

In the afternoon people gathered at the SASA Meet and Greet. Tour leaders for this leg were introduced and announced whether they had any slots available for their tours.

Deb set up the “Book Exchange” at the M&G and has continued to do it on posted Sea Days. Afterward many of the groups of tours met and discussed last minute details. It has become quite an amiable group of people, most of whom had never met less than 3 weeks ago.

I do Early Dining with Deb, Marla, Grace and Marilyn this leg of the cruise. We have changed tables in Gold Pearl dining room and have a table along a window viewing the ocean. I like it. I planned to go to the Piano Bar at 8:30 pm and to Singles Meet at 9:45. I went to my room after dinner about 7:00 pm to relax and rest and did not awake until 1 am. I will catch another night.

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